Po kilkunastu dniach oczekiwania, otrzymaliśmy odpowiedzi Joe na pytania zadane przez uczestników obozu w Karnicach.

Odpowiedzi są po angielsku i w takiej wersji umieszczamy je na stronie.

Doskonalimy język angielski !!!

Pytania są po polsku – tak jak zadawali je zawodnicy.

Zapraszamy do lektury.


Dlaczego wyjechałeś grać do Szwecji a nie zostałeś w Polsce?

I came to Sweden to play because it was the best chance for me to keep playing. I didn’t have any offers in Poland and I wanted to play for a few more years. I got a great offer from my team in Norrkoping so I came here and really enjoyed it.


Co myślisz o koszykówce młodzieżowej w Polsce?

I think the youth basketball in Poland is playing at a very high level. They played great in the World Championships this year and I think there will be bigger and better things when these kids grow up and play for the Sr. team!


Jakie masz plany na przyszłość, czy będziesz szkolił młodzież?

I am starting a basketball school in Poland that wll be affiliated with the NBA. So yes I will always be involved with teaching kids in Poland. I think there’s so many great talents in Poland and I want to teach them the right way to play, so they can become great players.


Czy masz zamiar organizować większe obozy i nie tylko w Polsce?

I am planning so very big camps in Poland and in other countries with players from the NBA. It will be a great oppourtunity for kids to be able to train with some of the top players in the world! I am in the planning stages of this and I will give you more information as I get closer to finishing.


Czy poprzednie obozy dla „wysokich ” uważasz za udane?

The camps that I ran before in Poland have been a great success for me. The kids that have come have learned a lot and have had a great time! I want to teach kids in a fun atmosphere and show them that hard work can be fun too.


Jak się Tobie z nami pracowało?

I had a great time working with the guys in Karnice this year! It was my best group so far!


Dlaczego nie zostałeś w USA ?

I came to Europe 16 years ago because I would have the best chance to play. I didn’t have any offers from the NBA, so I thought Europe would be a good place for me. I have had a great time playing in Europe and I don’t regret coming here and staying.


Jakie cechy trzeba mieć, żeby być super graczem podkoszowym?

To be a great player inside you have to have no fear! You are playing against the biggest guys on the court and you have to take it right at them. If you are scared it will show in your game and you will lose! So the most important thing is to stand up and be strong.


Od którego roku życia zacząłeś trenować basket?

I started playing basketball when I was 10 years old. So I have been playin for about 28 years!


Jak to było, gdy pierwszy raz przyjechałeś do Polski?

The first time I came to Poland I was in shock! I didn’t know where I was. I was here for less than 2 days before I played my first game on the road and the bus trip really scared me 🙂

I wish I could say the bus trips got easier, but that’s not true.


Jak oceniasz poziom polskiej ligi zawodowej wtedy i teraz?

I think the league is weaker now than when I played. There used to be great players from the states on every team, but now there’s so many changes. Teams can bring in 10-15 players in one season now! When we were there, we made changes but for better players who were proven. Now there are many young players from the states. I think it would be better to have a limit on foreign players so the Polish players can get more experience.